Sunday, March 3, 2013

Small victory

I went out twice today. The first time, I don't remember checking anything probably because my partner was at home and I was just going out to do a quick errand and I knew that I would be right back. I was going over to a friend's to bring 2 bags of clothes. I'd sorted through my closets yesterday. I gave away coats, blazers, blouses, skirts and purses. Some of the clothes had hardly or never been worn.

I spent most of the day decluttering, sorting and cleaning out the kitchen and dining area drawers. Plans to go out with friends fell through. One friend came over for a chat and a cup of coffee. I usually go for a swim but I heard that the pool was full of kids from March break so I decided to go for a walk to the grocery store. I only bought what I could bring back in my backpack. That felt satisfying. When I left the house, I didn't check anything despite leaving the coffee maker plugged in (usually a big nono for me), I left the Ipad plugged in and charging (another nono) and I left cored apples simmering on the stove. Once again, I wasn't too worried because my partner was in the adjoining living room.
I didn't check a thing.

That's a huge victory for me.

I've been going through Julia Cameron's The Artist's Way since last August. I read in her book that fear is an acronym for False Evidence Appearing Real.

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